Jean-Philippe de Schrevel founded BlueOrchard Capital, BlueOrchard Private Equity Fund, Oasis Capital and Oasis Fund at the beginning of 2008. He also co-founded BlueOrchard Finance in 2001 and is now a Member of the Executive Committee of its Board. He joined Dexia Asset Management in 2000 as the Dexia Micro-Credit Fund Manager. Prior to that, he successively worked as Junior Team Economist in Romania for a European Union PHARE technical assistance program; Field Consultant in microfinance for a Belgian non-governmental organisation in Tanzania and Guatemala; Associate with McKinsey & Co.; Operations Director of a private microfinance foundation in Argentina; and Consultant in Geneva for the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Microfinance Unit. Jean-Philippe de Schrevel holds a MA in Economics from the University of Notre-Dame de la Paix in Namur, Belgium, and a MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA.

Christopher Wasserman
Chairman, Zermatt Summit Foundation
Executive Director, Terolab Surface Group
Chairman, Ecophilos Foundation