
The Zermatt Summit 2011 explored the concept of “servant leadership” and its potential to effect a fundamental paradigm change, putting the wellbeing of stakeholders at the center of corporate decision-making.

Servant leaders are individuals who mobilize their talents to serve their fellow human beings, both within their organization and in society at large. As such, they are a powerful force for change, setting an example for others and driving the emergence of new models and practices that have a positive impact on society.

Speakers emphasized that servant leaders start by “changing their hearts and minds”. A business or organization is made up of people, and as such its performance should be measured holistically by its ability serve the interests of its stakeholders, rather than by narrow economic indicators. Participants and panelists discussed a variety of themes, including corporate social responsibility, fair trade, the role of women as actors of change, and the importance of personal values in shaping approaches to leadership.

Translating ideas into action

For the last 20 years, it has organized hundreds of concerts annually in hospitals, old-age care homes, institutions for the disabled, prisons and refugee camps.
The ZS foundation made a grant of 100’000 CHF.