Philippe de Woot is a Doctor of Law and a Doctor of Economics. He is Emeritus Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain and for several years was a guest Professor at the INSEAD (Fontainebleau).
A member of the Belgian Royal Academy, of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and of the International Academy of Management, Philippe de Woot has also been an adviser to the European Commission (1977-1983).
He is a board member or consultant with several national and multi-national firms. His field of research is essentially corporate strategy, and also ethics and the purpose of firms and their responsibilities to global society.
Philippe de Woot is an adviser to the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI), founded by the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) and the Global Compact of the United Nations. The GRLI actively supports the principles of responsible management training as promoted in particular by the Global Compact.
Christopher Wasserman
Chairman, Zermatt Summit Foundation
Executive Director, Terolab Surface Group
Chairman, Ecophilos Foundation