Founded in 2010 by Swiss businessman and philanthropist Christopher Wasserman, the Zermatt Summit is an annual forum of business leaders, thinkers and innovators that promotes the importance of human values and ethics in a globalized world.

Zermatt Summit is not about finding a “silver bullet”– the revolutionary new model or “big idea” that will make the world a better place.

Rather, it is about translating ideas into actions, by bringing together people who share the belief that business can – and should – be a force for the common good. Because today more than ever, to grow sustainably, companies must put human values at the heart of their business model.

In the inspiring setting of the Swiss Alps, the Zermatt Summit fosters dialogue and sparks innovation, catalyzing positive change across the business landscape, multiplying our impact and building a more caring, sustainable world for the next generations.

What we do

Each year, the Zermatt Summit focuses on a central theme around values and ethics – from courage to the common good to servant leadership – while promoting a constructive, action-oriented dialogue between key stakeholders from many different sectors and disciplines.

Participants embark on an intense three-day journey of learning, reflection, connection and action. From keynote addresses to panel discussions and small-group workshops, there is ample opportunity to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and ground-breaking innovators, and develop high-impact, collaborative solutions.

What is the Zermatt Summit ?

  • More than 200 speakers and 1000 participants from 45 countries since 2010
  • A knowledge network of like-minded innovators and entrepreneurs
  • An opportunity to invest in initiatives that advance the common good
  • Follow-up and implementation of entrepreneurial ventures
  • Exclusive benefits for members of the Club des 100

Featured speakers

Over the years, the Zermatt Summit has hosted many inspiring, high-profile speakers who share a common aspiration to put human values at the heart of everything we do.