
Nature is the best business consultant by Rob Williams

Nature provides the tested principles for sustainable business. However, the human mindset driven by fear and greed stands in the way of running business naturally. Why the “whole brain state” is an essential step towards sustainability.


We live in a world where our economy and ecology are facing an uncertain future. We have created an economy where some companies are not allowed to fail, while others struggle to survive. Where the value of our currencies are uncertain, and can fluctuate dramatically, and unexpectedly. We have created an ecology where virtually every living system is in decline. We are destroying our environment more quickly than it can repair itself.

Time to do something different.

Business as usual can’t solve this tsunami of problems. Doing what we have been doing more efficiently will simply exacerbate the challenges we face. It’s time to do something different. Nothing short of a major re-visioning of what business is, and how to conduct it, is needed in order to avoid a complete meltdown of our global economic and ecological systems. That re-visioning, must include the realization that the economy and the ecology are both vital to creating a hospitable, just, and economically sustainable future for all of us. Much of what we need to know to solve these problems can be found in nature. Nature provides the core principles of sustainability.

Nature is the best life-coach.

When most people think of nature, they think of trees, mountains, lakes, oceans, deserts, and all manner of animal and plant life. What most people miss are the underlying principles that nature uses to create and support life. “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better,” said Albert Einstein. For millions of years nature has, through the process of evolution, tried out all different kinds of processes and mechanisms, and honed them down to make the most perfect systems to support life. These principles are shared by all life forms, even the most primitive organisms on the planet. Bruce Lipton, cell biologist and author of The Biology of Belief says: “We need to use these proven principles to create sustainability and balance in economy and ecology. What if you could hire the world’s best life coach with millions of years of experience, and a proven track record for sustainability? Well, you can! That life coach is called nature.”

Most people today operate under the concept that the survival of the fittest is the primary driving force of evolution. This attitude creates a competitive and aggressive, “do unto others before they do unto you” world. This belief in the survival of the fittest has been interpreted over time to mean that only the most unethical, and most ruthless people will survive, and thrive. That it’s a “cut-throat” world out there, and the end justifies the means, especially when it comes to making money and acquiring physical possessions. This mindset has led us down a dangerous and ultimately catastrophic path. It is a mindset based on a misreading of the principles of evolution.

Nature is based on cooperation.

During the first three billion years of life, cells were scattered all over the planet. And, through evolution, cells started to come together, in order to thrive. They began to specialize, take on different roles, and work together to create a sustainable system. Today, multi-cellular organisms thrive in nature because of their diversity, collaboration and interconnectedness. There is a 17th century definition of competition that is very different from today’s interpretation. According to Webster’s dictionary, the original definition of competition was derived from two Latin root words, which mean “to strive for a common goal”.

The ME Culture.

However, in today’s world greed and fear stand in the way of collaborative competition towards a common goal. There’s widespread ignorance of the complexity and interdependency with each other and with our environment. This feeling of disconnection and alienation explains much about how we treat ourselves, others and nature. True respect and kindness, seem to be a thing of the past. They have been replaced by cunning, competition, and mistrust. We have created a ME culture, instead of a WE, culture. This has led us to a global society where we struggle to find meaning and purpose … a society where our mental and physical health is being challenged in the name of progress; a society too where business cannot sustainably succeed.

Our mindsets are out of alignment with the principles of nature.

This has resulted in poor health, destructive behaviours, and a general sense of helplessness and hopelessness. The fact is that life as we have created it, just isn’t working well for millions of people. We are trapped in a prison of limiting beliefs about how to create joy and happiness in our lives. In order to create a safe, joyful, and sustainable future, we have to do something different. In order to do something different, we have to think differently. We need to elevate our thinking to a new level consciousness … a level that can free us from this mental prison. By aligning our beliefs with the principles of nature, we can reintroduce the ancient wisdom of interconnectedness and collaboration and we have a template for creating a sustainable future for ourselves, and our planet.

So, how do we do it?

Neuroscience provides some answers.

The “whole-brain state”.

Recent research indicates that for optimal brain functioning, both hemispheres of the brain must be engaged and activated. The findings of this research basically indicate that the highest level of brain function occurs when both hemispheres of the brain are engaged simultaneously. This is called the “whole-brain” state. The whole-brain state creates an awareness of interconnectedness, as a reflection of the interconnectedness of the hemispheres. Greed and fear are symptoms of a belief in separation and perceiving reality in that way is very difficult while in the whole-brain state. From a neuroscience point of view, it is a bilateral, symmetrical brain wave pattern. From a business point of view, this simply means greater functionality and therefore greater performance. This unique state of consciousness also allows for high-speed mindset change, expanded creativity, as well as dramatically improving problem solving and opportunity leveraging. A key benefit of the “whole-brain” state is that it provides a “communication bridge” with the subconscious mind which is the store house for our attitudes, values, and beliefs. Contemporary neuroscience tells us that at least 95 percent of the time our thoughts and behaviours are generated from the subconscious level of the mind and are therefore below the level of our conscious awareness. This means that most people are running their lives on “auto-pilot.” Just as computer software becomes outdated over time, so do subconscious beliefs.

These subconscious beliefs create the perceptual filters through which we respond to life’s challenges.

They form the basis for our actions and reactions to each situation in our lives. Beliefs establish the limits of what we can achieve, or as Henry Ford once said, “If you believe you can or if you believe you can’t…you’re right!” The ability to perform effectively, both personally and professionally, is profoundly affected by such beliefs as “I am competent”, “I am powerful”, or “I am safe.” With beliefs like these, you can undertake challenging projects with confidence and stay focused on the task at hand. But, if you have beliefs like, “I don’t really trust myself to do a good job” or “How things turn out is not really in my control,” you will proceed hesitantly, fearing mistakes, criticism, and failure.

Writing new “software” for the brain.

In the past decades I have developed a method that allows you to update personal and business “software” in order to meet today’s fast paced demands in a fast changing business environment and to integrate the principles of nature in your daily “operating system”. This “PER-K” process works like a “mental keyboard”—a user-friendly method of communicating with the subconscious mind that is simple, direct and verifiable. It increases “cross-talk” between the two brain hemispheres, thereby achieving the “whole-brain” state, which is ideal for changing subconscious beliefs. This method of communication enables you to write new “software” for the subconscious mind that effectively updates the often self-defeating beliefs that can sabotage your success, personally and professionally.  In this way you can align your subconscious beliefs with the principles and philosophies that produce lasting successful behaviors, actions and results.  Because PER-K communicates directly with the subconscious mind, which processes information at a rate of approximately 40 million bits per second, compared to the conscious mind which processes about 40 bits per second (that’s a million times slower than the subconscious mind!), you can change old beliefs that sabotage you and your business, without consciously needing to know what those self-defeating beliefs are.  This makes it possible to simply “overwrite” those beliefs quickly and easily. The PER-K process allows us to make such changes at the subconscious level of the mind, often changing long held limiting beliefs in a matter of minutes.

Modeling ourselves after successful, sustainable systems.

In order for civilisation to have a sustainable future in our fast changing world, we have to get out of the competitive, separatist mindset, and reintroduce the ancient wisdom of interconnectedness and collaboration, because when we start to model ourselves after the wisdom of nature we begin to model ourselves after successful, sustainable systems. This critical change begins with a change of our mindsets, a change of our subconscious beliefs. When we see others as competitors for limited resources, like, material goods, recognition, and money, every day is a struggle for survival, and we live fearful and stressful lives. Instead, the mindset we need is one that fosters a sense of common purpose, security, and abundance, rather than fear and scarcity. This change of beliefs integrating the principles that have served nature so well for billions of years is not only possible but critical for the journey towards a more sustainable and hospitable world.

Rob Williams is the originator of PSYCH-K and PER-K and author of PSYCH-K…The Missing Piece/Peace in Your Life! 


Published from Kamp Solutions magazine. More information:




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