Dear Friends,
First of all, we wish you a happy new year 2017 in the name of the ZS foundation. In our globalized world, the human person has enormous resources and power at his disposal to work for a world respectful of the common good and human person or on the contrary destroy it.
The human person has to make the right choice and think deeply what is the meaning of the common good and what does he want to do with this world.
The ZS foundation has decided to contribute to this reflection and for that purpose organizes a series of conversations on the theme of “humanizing innovation”.
We have focused on the digital economy innovations, with topics such as transhumanism, big data, individual freedom and block chain. We have had the opportunity to hear experts in philosophy, political science, entrepreneurs in the digital economy, lawyers and hackers in order to understand what will be the impact of these new technologies.
We will continue our work during 2017 and are glad to announce the theme of our next meeting : the Bitcoin.
Recently, the exchange rate of this new digital currency has increased to over 1’000 USD.
Despite some volatility, this clearly shows the strong interest existing for this new monetary instrument which seems very difficult to control but which answers an increasing need for more individual freedom and confidentiality.
Because it offers the possibility to bypass third parties such as commercial and central banks, it raises several key questions on monetary, economical, ethical and political grounds.
Professor Philipp Booth, director of the ‘’Institute for economic affairs’’ in the UK and professor of Finance, Political Science and Ethics at Twickenham University, a bitcoin specialist and Nicolas Cary, president of the Blockchain firm, the number 1 software for bitcoin will be our guest speakers. The conversation will be in English.
We invite you to block in your agendas Thursday February 23rd from 8:30 to 10:00.
The meeting will take place at the MEDEF, 55 avenue Bosquet, 75007 Paris, in partnership with MEDEF and IEPM.
I take the opportunity to inform you that Tomas Jauffret who has assisted us during the last years, has decided to stop his collaboration with the ZS foundation. We thank him warmly for his contribution to our different activities and reflection.
All good wishes.
For the ZS foundation
Antonin Pujos
General secretary
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